Hi There! 👋🏻

Computer Science Student & Web Developer

A hero by day who may not save the world, but fights bugs all day as a full-time Laravel programmer. By night transforms into a computer science student with a passion for coding

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About 👀

Who Am I?

As a computer science student and full-time programmer, I spend most of my time staring at a screen and mumbling about bugs and syntax errors. So, that's me, I'm basically a human caffeine-fueled robot who can survive on coffee or energy drinks alone.

Lets Get Connected!

Reach out to me and let's get connected!, I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations.


My Projects

I've had the pleasure of working on a variety of interesting projects. Take a look at some of my favorites below.


Certified Web Wizard

Here are some of the certificates I've earned through online courses and programs. These courses helped me to develop skills in web development




Belajar membuat Aplikasi Back-End Untuk pemula | Dicoding

DTS Kominfo

Vocational School Graduate Academy | DTS 2021


Ready Set Code Progate Indonesia


Tech Stacks I Use

Some of the tech stacks I've learned and use on several projects I created


My Brain Dump

Insights, Tutorials, and Musings: A Collection of my Experiences in Web Development and More


Avoiding Burnout as a Web Developer 🧑‍💻

In the fast-paced world of web development, preventing burnout is crucial. Learn practical tips to maintain your well-being and productivity as a web developer.

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Teknologi AI, Anugerah atau Petaka?

Apakah AI benar-benar menjadi anugerah atau petaka? Tulisan ini adalah perspektif lain dalam menyikapi teknologi ini

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Don't Be a Stranger, Say Hi!

Ready to rock and roll? I'm all ears for your cool ideas, exciting projects, or even if you just want to chat about the latest cat memes. Don't hesitate to reach out!